EnduranceÆDoors is promoting the strength of its unique offer to door installers through a new marketing campaign.
Based around the core message of ‘Together, We Grow’, the recently launched campaign highlights the many different ways in which the manufacturer of composite doors can make a difference to the success and growth of its customers.
“EnduranceÆ Doors has always had a focus on developing mutually profitable relationships with its installer partners” explains Scott Foster, Sales and Marketing Director at the business.
“This stems from the fact that we fully recognise our continued success and expansion is intertwined with that of the businesses that buy and install our products.
“Anything we can do to help them succeed ultimately pays dividends for us as well. That’s why we remain focussed on offering our installers more than high quality doors. We also provide them with a comprehensive package of value adding support that delivers genuine commercial advantages.”
The ‘Together, We Grow’ campaign is employing a variety of marketing mediums and techniques to showcase this support.
This includes how EnduranceÆ Doors assists its installer partners with lead generation.
Not only does the manufacturer provide customers with templates for social media posts and local press advertising but it also passes on leads generated through its own website to installers who are local to the source of the enquiry.
Each week, thanks to the brand’s ongoing investments in areas such as search engine optimisation and social media marketing, it can receive and distribute over 1000 warm leads of this type.
EnduranceÆ Doors also offers its installer partners in-depth sales support.
As part of this, the manufacturer provides installers with resources such as its recently updated and biggest ever brochure as well as with digital tools which they can employ on their own websites. This includes 360° product imagery, high definition videos and interactive door designers.
“From lead generation and conversion to product training and aftersales support, there are numerous ways in which EnduranceÆ Doors can help our installer partners to develop their business and their bottom line” adds Scott.