
    Post-Brexit issues need a renewed focus on relationship with Europe – CPA

    From: Peter Caplehorn, Chief Executive, Construction Products Association We welcome the new Government and opportunity for change. The expectation from our industry is that this Government will understand the importance of construction and manufacturing for...

    Let’s be honest about energy efficiency

    From: Mark Frain, National Business Development Manager, WarmCore For those that know me well I am a forthright person and one that’s passionate about the industry. But it is an industry sector that has received...

    Short-term gains, long-term pain?

    From: Alex Page, Director, Stedek In today’s window industry, we’re lucky enough to have a vast range of quality, stylish products to choose from. It’s a level of choice that my dad could’ve only dreamed of...

    Heritage retrofit review – are planners aware of innovations?

    From: Sarah Hitchings Sales & Marketing Director, The Residence Collection At the beginning of 2024, the Government announced an energy efficiency drive for heritage homes in the UK. This drive is set to review the wide...

    Need for clearer guidelines on heritage retrofit

    From: Ian Selby, managing director and co-founder, Timbawood The new government review into Adapting historic homes for energy efficiency has highlighted the need for new, clearer guidelines for window replacement and repair on heritage properties. There...

    Missed opportunity or red herring?

    From: Mark Hickox sales director, Thermoseal On December 13, 2023, the government finally opened the consultation on the Future Homes and Buildings Standards, which will run until March 6. At the heart is a significant...

    Is our long-distance love affair over?

    From : Dave Broxton, Managing Director, Bohle It would be easy to dismiss the unfolding drama in the Red Sea as an unfortunate episode if it were not for the experiences we shared in the...

    An early warning

    From: Richard Gyde, MD, Mila Post COVID and post Ukraine invasion, the global hardware sector had just been getting used to a period of relative stability when it comes to logistics and freight costs.  However, that...

    Triple glazing – has its time come?

    From: Chris Alderson, managing director, Edgetech When it first appeared, triple glazing was presented as the future. Many thought its rise was inevitable.  But over the last twenty years, that hasn’t happened. The big shift from...

    Will house prices drag home improvement down with them?

    From: Rob McGlennon, managing director, Deceuninck House prices and home improvements have historically been closely linked. Many improvements to the home are made to increase the saleability of the property, and with house prices predicted...