Lucy Daniels & Mark Towers of DoorCo have signed up to join Kelly’s Heroes, taking on the challenge to climb Mount Kilimanjaro to help support its work in raising mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

Mark said: “This year, our MD Dan Sullivan is taking on the cycle challenge across the Pyrenees. I wanted to do my bit but I am not a cyclist. The Kilimanjaro challenge suits me better because it is walking, and although I anticipate it to be really tough, it should be attainable for all levels of fitness and age.

“Being part of a team with a shared goal who will support each other, and the stunning scenery will help us along to way, too. I have heard the hotels on the mountain are not 5* though, which could be difficult!

“I am not the fittest person in the world and trying to build up the stamina to achieve our goal of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro on the Machame Route in six days, is a challenge in itself. I am very aware that we are representing a great charity and that we are asking for sponsorship money, so I do not want to let the team or the charity down.

Lucy Daniels added: “Trekking up Kilimanjaro is most definitely not something you turn down if you have the chance – I am 100% up for the challenge! It’s something I never thought I would have the chance to do so I am really going to make the most of the experience. Like Mark, I am most looking forward to the views and the memories we’ll make, but I am dreading the cold! 

“For me, it’s also all about the charity. Kelly’s Heroes is such a great cause and the help they provide is nothing short of amazing. Challenges like these are a great reminder that charities are reliant on donations and fundraising events to continue their amazing work.

“The work Kelly’s Heroes does is incredible. Mental Health is still a taboo subject for many people. We need to encourage people to speak up more to enable support from those around us. Kelly’s Heroes does a great job with spreading the message that ‘It’s Ok not to be Ok’. More people suffer with mental health than we realise and even those who seem happiest can have their struggles. The charity offers both educational courses and personal help for those in need, providing a ‘Listening Ear’ seven days a week on their website for those struggling.

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