Administrators for Everest have sold certain assets to Anglian Home Improvements, including an interim subcontractor deal to fulfil all ongoing work impacted by the collapse of Everest.

The deal is the second such to be negotiated by Anglian since it bought the order book of the defunct Safestyle in November .

Anglian executive chairman Peter Mottershead said: “The company will be contacting customers to discuss the status of each order with the customers and where possible arrange completion of orders, prioritising those who were part-way through the installation process.

“I can also confirm that Anglian Home Improvements will honour the terms of the contract, including the price, that had previously been agreed with each customer.”

Administrators ReSolve Advisory last week announced that most of the 350 workforce would be made redundant after attempts to sell Everest as a going concern had failed to find a buyer.

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