Up until now, visible trickle vents have been a necessary evil, but many homeowners don’t like the look of them. Now Door and Window Systems has a new way of doing things with their Smoothvent concealed trickle vent solution.
Smoothvent has an integral head drip and concealed external vent, which is finished off internally with a slim sightline internal vent cover for a neat and unobtrusive finish.
Designed to suit the company’s windows, bifold door and Heritage Systems, the Smoothvent is available in all DAWS standard colours from stock, along with a full colour matching solution available on a slightly longer lead time.
Trickle vents have become an increasingly important feature in any new window and door installation since the amendments made to Part F of the building regulations in 2022. By providing a constant, small amount of ventilation, they help to improve the quality of air in a room and reduce condensation.
Replacement windows should be fitted with trickle vents regardless of whether the windows being replaced had vents in them or not, if no background ventilation alternative is being installed.
Phill Cresswell, Sales Director at DAWS comments: “As anyone in retail knows, it is often the little details that matter the most, and Smoothvent’s sleek looks could just be the thing that swings the buying decision your way. Smoothvent looks like a stylish head drip detail, it just blends in and will help our trade partners stand out from the crowd; whilst everyone else will have a ‘mullet’, DAWS trade customers will be a cut above the rest.”
As with all DAWS products, a simple technical data sheet provides information on the available trickle vent options. Phil adds: “The data sheet contains everything installers need to know to comply with the latest regulations applicable to trickle vent installation. It’s all part of our philosophy of being “The trade aluminium supplier that you can rely on” and in this case it is to innovate.”