Staff at DoorCo have taken nearly three million steps in support of mental health awareness as their colleagues Mark Towers and Lucy Daniels prepare for the Kelly’s Heroes Kilimanjaro challenge later this year.

DoorCo Marketing Manager Ellie Pool explained: “In support of the national mental health awareness campaign, which this year is focused on movement, we challenged everyone in the DoorCo team to take 100,000 steps throughout the month. In true DoorCo spirit, they have embraced the challenge and at the midway point have already collectively taken 2.9million steps! In fact, the original challenge was met by one person within 5 days!

“There is a clear correlation between physical and mental health so it’s fantastic that everyone has embraced the challenge and had fun at the same time, using their break times to get as many steps in as they can via local walks we mapped out and other physical activities.

Last month, the company announced that Lucy and Mark had signed up to join Kelly’s Heroes, taking on the challenge to climb Mount Kilimanjaro to help support its work in raising mental health awareness and suicide prevention .

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