CR Smith Manufacturing has signed an £8m contract with social landlord Link Group’s commercial partner C~urb, to supply replacement windows over the next four years.
Link, which manages 12,000 homes across Scotland, is pushing forward with a substantial refurbishment programme and the rollout of new windows from CR Smith is already underway at two of its Edinburgh developments.
Output from CR Smith’s manufacturing plant in Fife is up 50% on pre-pandemic levels with public sector work representing 35% of the total, up from 20% of 2019 volumes.
Director Colin Eadie, pictured, said: “CR Smith is widely known for the quality of its products in the domestic market, and it is our understanding of homeowners’ priorities and expertise for working in people’s homes that is driving increased interest from local authorities and housing associations.
“CR Smith, as a replacement windows company, has been in business for nearly 50 years and the company is well established in Scotland’s business community.
Link Group Commercial Director and C~urb Managing Director Colin Culross said: “Link tenants can be assured the new windows being installed will be high quality, secure and help improve the energy efficiency of their home, as part of Link’s wider commitment to improve sustainability across our communities.”