Weekly Email News for the Glass, Glazing & Fenestration Industries

Gareth Mobley,
Solidor & Residor

The industry is not taking security as seriously as homeowners.

Research by Manchester University for Solidor reveals that security is the most important consideration when homeowners buy external doors. Brisant Secure’s recent large sample research for its Domestic Door Security Report quantifies it, finding that 85% of homeowners say security is the most important factor when buying a composite door.

So, why is the industry still selling composite doors that aren’t secure? Why are some composite door manufacturers distracting us with ‘comparison’ reports that compare everything but the security homeowners want above all? No one can say homeowners are wrong to want doors that prevent burglars breaking in. In 74% of burglaries, intruders gain entry through the door (Source: ONS).

Some composite door manufacturers claim to have PAS24. They don’t say it’s PAS24:2012 which was superseded by the far more secure PAS24:2016 test. Their PAS24:2012 certificate may have a few months to run, but try explaining to a homeowner who has just been burgled that you sold them a less secure door even though improved security doors are freely available. It’s not the manufacturer who has to explain of course, and the installer may not have realised. But the installer who sells it is liable under consumer law.

Most GRP composite door skins are too thin to pass the new test: 1.6mm-1.8mm. The skins of your doors need to be 3.6mm at least, more than double the thickness to pass the new tests. If you’re in any doubt how vulnerable a 1.6mm-1.8mm skin is watch a chisel punch through two skins and the insulation in just 8 seconds on this video www.solidor.co.uk/videos/break-in-test. 

The industry has never lacked chutzpah or brass neck: overclaiming and making false claims are common. Some claim to be the most secure, yet if the homeowner leaves the key on the inside, a burglar can snap the lock on certain doors and be in within 9 seconds!

Installers and homeowners are in the same boat here. Both are misled by some composite door manufacturers who claim their doors are very secure even though they can be cut through in under 90 seconds, or the cylinder can be snapped in as little as 9 seconds. Installers are caught in the middle, because it’s their reputation that suffers if they install a door that claims to be highly secure and gets broken into.

This isn’t a war of words between timber and GRP. We sell both hardwood and GRP doors. Both our doors are top of their game and real-life secure: Solidor is the most secure composite door you can buy; Residor the most secure GRP composite door, with its 3.6mm skins and Ultion locks as standard.

The industry can sell homeowners real-life secure doors. Isn’t it time we all did it?

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