Weekly Email News for the Glass, Glazing & Fenestration Industries

From: David Dowling,
Managing Director, Cairngorm Group

I write in response to your lead story of 12th November entitled “Filling the Vacuum”.

The timing was opportune as I had just returned from visiting a couple who had asked for a quote to replace the very shoddy work installed (I use the term very loosely) by Install Base Ltd AKA Job Worth Doing. The gentleman of the house was very irate, the lady mainly sobbed due to JWD basically wrecking their home. The piece de resistance of this cowboy outfit was how they handled the problem of the bedroom window being 200mm too small in the height. They banged 10 x 20mm packers to the top of the frame and installed it anyway!  Yes really! The situation isn’t helped by the fact that she is just completing chemotherapy and the new windows and doors were to be a treat to aid recovery. If only.

That JWD turned up at all was a big surprise to the couple as they had actually signed a contract with Penicuik Home Improvements. When a different company turned up to install they were very suspicious and almost stopped the work there and then. Again if only.

If anyone thought the TV series White Gold was far-fetched I would suggest that if the script writer spent time working in the combined mess that is Penicuik and JWD they would have enough material for several more episodes.

Your article includes the words “there may yet be some new incarnation of the old entity”. For the sake of the credibility of our industry let us all hope that is never allowed to happen. In the meantime this lovely couple are left to employ solicitors to help them sort out the almighty mess they have been left with through no fault of their own, other than having the misfortune to choose a Kairos Group Company to trust with their order.


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