Weekly Email News for the Glass, Glazing & Fenestration Industries

Promac launches Service Contracts from as little as £100 per montht
14th February 2012

Machinery specialist, Promac, is now offering service contracts from as little as £100 per month in order to provide customers with an affordable ongoing machinery support solution to suit their individual needs. Joe Hague, Group Commercial Director of Promac explains: “We all know that failure to keep up with regular servicing of any machinery can lead to its poor performance and or eventual breakdown, a situation that often ends up costing the company far more in terms of lost production than the service repair bill itself.

Our Service Department know the value of proactive maintenance because they see the tangible results it delivers through reduced breakdown. Planned service visits can be carried out at your convenience rather than reacting to a breakdown that is always a burden, costs a fortune in lost production and creates a logistical nightmare. But for as little as £100 per month all that can be avoided by running a service contract with Promac all of which can be booked via our dedicated service hotline. In addition to the benefits that regular servicing brings, we are also delighted to provide ‘Tele Assist’ qualified telephone assistance for immediate technical support, preferential rates for unplanned site visits and discounted spare parts and consumables if needed.

With things tough for everyone, I understand that servicing is a cost that can be avoided by simply running the risk of breakdown but I would argue that is false economy. That’s why we have come up with this affordable solution. And you don’t have to be an existing customer to enjoy the benefits. Our team of qualified and experienced engineers can service and maintain most equipment in the market”.

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