Weekly Email News for the Glass, Glazing & Fenestration Industries

Watch for the weasel
10th November 2015

SOLIDOR is launching ‘Weasel Word Watch’, a campaign on social media to raise awareness of misleading statements about products and their benefits.

Solidor CEO Gareth Mobley explained: “The industry has a problem with brands implying their products have certain qualities that they simply don’t. This campaign is designed to highlight that issue.

“Now the Consumer Rights Act 2015 is in force, retail installers need to be confident that the products they’re selling do what they say they do. They should be careful not to imply they do more than they actually do. There should be no grey areas. ‘Weasel words’ create these grey areas by fudging or stretching the truth, so people think they’re selling something that they’re not. Over claiming can lead to expensive and reputation-destroying returns, as well as endless hassle with unhappy customers”.

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines ‘Weasel Words’ as something someone says either to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone believe something that is not true.


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